Chew Valley Badminton Club has a thriving Junior section with players from 6 to 18 years old of all standards from complete beginners to county players.

As well as high quality badminton coaching, the club offers juniors the opportunity to take part in competitive badminton suitable for their own level of development, from fun tournaments as part of the regular junior sessions, to local junior leagues with matches against other clubs, pathways to county badminton and regional and national tournaments.

Our coaching team is led by Will Mellersh.

Coaching sessions take place at Chew Valley leisure centre on Tuesdays at 6pm and 7pm, and Saturdays and 9am, 10.30am and 12 noon.

Places must be pre-booked via the website shop.

For more information, please email the club secretary, Judith Ogden at


Tuesdays at 6pm and 7pm – 1 hour sessions
£6.50 per player for individual session or £5.50/session if block booked for the term.

Saturdays at 9am and 10.30am – 90 minute sessions
£8.50 per player for individual session or £7.50/session if block booked for the term.

Saturdays at 12 noon – 2 hour sessions
£9.50 per player for individual session or £8.50/session if block booked for the term.

For families where children spend weekends in different places, we can organise a bespoke booking option for the term for alternate weeks or whatever fits your circumstances. Please get in touch with Judith at to discuss.

Badminton England affiliation

All players require a Badminton England affiliation which is £23.70 for the year for adults, £5.50 for juniors aged 12 and 18, and free for players aged 11 and under. This includes insurance for club sessions.

How to join

If you or a family member are interested in joining, get in touch with the club secretary, Judith Ogden by email at If you are unsure which session will be the right one for you, our coaches can advise you.


While children are at training sessions, they are the responsibility of the coaches while they are in the sports hall. Before they arrive in the hall and after they leave the hall, they are the responsibility of their parents or carers, so please ensure that your drop off and pick up arrangements are clear to everyone involved – for example, if a child should not leave the hall before their parent or carer arrives to collect them.

The Club Welfare Officer is Will Jackson, who can be contacted at

Information about safeguarding can be found at the Badminton England website.

Player registration

Please fill in the form below to give us some information about you or your player:

    Please complete one player registration form for each player:

    Please tick which sessions this player is planning to attend. Juniors who have attended before should carry on coming to the same session unless the coach has told them otherwise. If you don't know which session is the right one, please tick which day and we'll let you know which one is suitable:
    Mondays - Adults' coachingTuesday 6pm - JuniorsTuesdays 7pm - JuniorsTuesdays - Juniors - don't know which session, please adviseTuesdays - Seniors Club NightSaturdays 9am - JuniorsSaturdays 10.30am - JuniorsSaturdays 12 noon - JuniorsSaturdays - don't know which session, please advise

    Will you be paying for the discounted rate for the full term in advance, or paying cash at the sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis?
    Block bookingPay-as-you-go